Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central-Eastern Europe

The first doctoral conference in the mentioned topic organised by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) at 9th October 2015, in English.

The first doctoral conference in the mentioned topic organised by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) at 9th October 2015, in English.

Throughout Europe, current urban challenges are posed by large-scale ensembles of modernity as a result of post-war development on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The urb/doconf 2015 is the first in a series of a doctoral conference, to be organised on a yearly basis, which will provide a comparative overview of current doctoral research into the physical (built and natural) environment within Central-Eastern Europe (CEE).

Those invited include doctoral researchers, PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers (maximum five years after obtaining the doctorate degree) specializing in architecture, urban design, urban planning or landscape architecture. The BME Department of Urban Planning and Design wishes to promote cooperation among CEE doctoral institutions, building up a network for future generations of scholars through their specific fields of research.


Main Conference Topics

The first doctoral conference is dedicated to post-war urban heritage in Central-Eastern Europe. In order to compare different perspectives, we welcome papers examining the physical environment under the following topics:

mass housing

recreational areas

industrial sites

(in)formal urban networks

Considering the four main conference topics/sessions, we are interested in different research methodologies: theoretical frameworks, comparative studies, morphological case studies, research by design methodology, etc.

The selected papers test the post-war heritage positions in the changing ideological context after the fall of the Iron Curtain, investigate the mutual impact of the spatial turn and the critique of functionalism on urbanity and examine the role of post-Communist legacy in the formation of new identities.

In addition to theoretical questions, we wish to find pragmatic approaches when responding to the new challenges of sustainability and determining what kind of protection tool-kit is capable of addressing large-scale ensembles problems. Our aim is to discover special similarities and dissimilarities within the Central-Eastern European physical environment, discuss a wide range of options (from preservation to sustainable renewal processes) and create a database on architectural PhD research topics and methodology.

You can read detailed programme here.


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